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Three Ways to Make Your Keywords Work

Keywords are the words and phrases used by searchers to verbalize what they are trying to find online. For businesses, keywords are vital to bringing in new customers.

Three Ways to Make Your Keywords Work
Photo by NisonCo PR and SEO / Unsplash

When was the last time you searched for your business on Google? If you’re not happy with where your business is showing up on Google’s search results, maybe it’s time to take a look at your keywords. Keywords are the words and phrases used by searchers to verbalize what they are trying to find online. For businesses, keywords are vital to bringing in new customers.

Companies optimize their websites to rank higher on search engine results pages by assigning keywords optimized for their business. Targeting the right keywords will also influence the success of your paid search strategy.  Picking the right keywords can be imperative to a company’s success. If customers can’t find a business through search, where can they find them?

Here are three ways to improve your company’s keywords:

Focus on Phrases

When potential customers perform searches on Google, they tend to use more than one word at a time. This is important to keep in mind as you select key phrases that will drive that search traffic to your website. Key phrases are vital selections to make in both organic and paid search campaigns. Selecting a key phrase should be as easy as answering basic questions about your business. “What products do I sell?” “Where does my business operate?” “What services can my business provide?”

Repitition, Repitition, Repitition

If you want your keywords and key phrases to stand out, you need to use them frequently. This is not to say you should stuff your content with keywords to drive up the ranks. Instead, you should use the keywords frequently, vary the context around the keywords, and make sure everything you publish on your website is readable to humans.

Too much of a good thing can hurt as overstuffing your content with keywords can actually lower your rankings on search engine results pages. At the end of the day, your content needs to be genuine and of high quality.

Keywords and Content Strategy

Your overall content marketing strategy needs to be driven by your keywords. You need to use your keywords and key phrases if you want specific words and phrases to drive up your page rankings. In order to keep up with your competition and meet the needs of your customers, you need to adapt to how they find your business. Rather than adapting old content to match new trends, create new content to match new SEO trends.

Focusing on the right keywords can help your business stand out right where your prospects are searching.

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